My Teaching Experience

Over the past five years, I have taught a variety of courses in both English and German. I have designed, taught, and graded large undergraduate courses with more than 200 students, seminars, and methods courses at the master’s level. I teach topics such as diversity and equality in organizations, competing demands faced by international businesses, new forms of organizing to address grand challenges, strategy and organizational change, and qualitative methods. I aim to deliver highly interactive and critical education that fosters a collaborative learning environment.




Executive Teaching (* indicates co-teaching)

  • Organization and Change Management, MBA General Management (summer term 2025) *: teaching, grading

Master-level Courses (* indicates co-teaching

  • Novel Pathways for Governing Wicked Problems in Sustainability (summer term 2025): course development & design, teaching, grading
  • Qualitative Methods of Empirical Research (summer term 2022, 2023) *: teaching, grading
  • Organizational Theories and Organizational Development [Organisationstheorie und -Entwicklung] (summer term 2020, 2021, 2023) *: course design & development, teaching, grading
  • International Organizations (winter term 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23) *: teaching, grading
  • Introduction into Philosophy of Science: Truth and Methods in a World of “Fake News” (winter term 2020/21, 2022/23) *: course development & design, teaching, grading
  • Organizational Structures, Processes and Culture (winter term 2019/20) *: teaching, grading

Bachelor-level Courses (* indicates co-teaching)

  • Foundation Course Organizational Theory [Grundkurs Organisation] (summer term 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) *: teaching, grading
  • Foundation Course in Business Administration [Grundkurs BWL] (winter term 2019/20, 2021/22, 2022/23) *: teaching, grading

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