
Dr. Iris Seidemann 

Organizing for Sustainability

I am a Senior Research Associate (Postdoc) at the Chair for Organization Studies at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Currently, I am working as Co-PI in the REBUMAA  project, an international, transdisciplinary project on climate adaptation in West Africa.


My research explores how organizations perceive and navigate paradoxical, complex tensions and competing demands in international systems. In particular, I focus on grand challenges and wicked problems in sustainable development and climate adaptation, examining how multi-stakeholder networks and governance structures influence responses to these pressing issues. Using ethnography and a practice-based perspective, I study organizational dynamics in extreme contexts and crises, always aiming for an interdisciplinary approach.


My work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Organization Theory, Public Management Review, and the Academy of Management Proceedings.


Beyond my research, I am deeply passionate about educating critical thinkers. I have over five years of experience teaching management and organization courses at the bachelor's, master's, and executive levels.


Social Impact & Valorization

I actively engage in valorization and knowledge transfer as part of my work, ensuring that research findings are translated into practice and policy impact. I focus on bridging academia and real-world application through dissemination, stakeholder engagement, and strategic collaborations.

 These activiteies include:


Ethnography in East and West Africa

My research focuses on the emergence and management of tensions and paradoxes within organizations and systems, particularly in the context of tackling grand challenges. Through ethnographic fieldwork in West and East Africa, I study how the Red Cross engages in climate adaptation practices, specifically focusing on innovative technologies like forecast-based financing. This qualitative, practice-based approach allows me to observe firsthand how actors navigate challenges through everyday routines and sense-making. Working in extreme and complex environments has strengthened my cultural competence, resilience, and deep understanding of the humanitarian aid sector. 

Community Engagement

I am an active member of the organization and management studies community, particularly within the paradox community, where I foster dialogue and collaboration. I emphasize organizational and community citizenship, actively supporting scholarly exchange, mentorship, and collective knowledge advancement.

 This engagement includes: 

  • Co-organizer of the Paradox Mentoring Program 
  • Co-organizer EGOS Subtheme 40 “Practicing Natural Disasters” 
  • Member of the Organizing Committee PREP (Paradox Research Education Practice) Conference
  • Postdoc Representative on the Board of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg
  • 05/2022 – 05/2023 Lead of PhD Paradox Reading Group
  • ...

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